RIS Media’s Housecall
Posted on Apr 4 2016 – 3:47pm by Zoe Eisenberg
From pop-up toilets in city streets to a bathroom surrounded entirely by an aquarium, these public and private bathrooms are beyond bizarre?and you need to see them!
This public restroom in Basel, Switzerland features one way mirrored walls, so you can people watch while you do your business. And because the outside walls double as a mirror, you’ll have lots of strangers coming up to groom themselves. Not surprisingly, this bathroom is actually an art installation done by artist Monica Bonvicini.
Now you see it. Now you don’t! These bathrooms in select European cities were designed to solve the problem of late-night partygoers urinating in the streets for lack of a better option. The pods come up at night and go underground in the day ? sort of like Batman. But be careful?injuries have been reported for pedestrians unknowingly standing atop the hidden toilets.

This seemingly regular portapotty?located at Jungle Jim’s International Market in Ohio–leads to a pretty standard public restroom. Not quite sure who the joke is on, but it’s an interesting approach for sure.
Ever feel like you’re living in a fish bowl? You will after using the restroom at the Mumin Papa Cafe in Akashi, Japan. For a staggering $270,000, the underwater restroom was built to offer users the sensation that they are ?relieving themselves while swimming in the ocean.? Because that’s on everyone’s bucket list, for sure. Unfortunately for men, the restroom is for women-only (so long as you don’t count the giant male sea turtle lurking inside).
This bathroom, which belongs to pop sensation Celine Dion, has fancy schmancy drapery, a lounge for that post-soak exhaustion and a stairway leading who knows where.
Who thought reality television star Kris Jenner would have a bathroom fit for entertainment? Whether she meant these couches for the bottoms of her fleet of children or a television crew, we’ll never know. What we do know is that the space was created by high-end designer Jeff Andrews. And by high-end, we mean rear-end, obviously.
Rapper Drake parties so hard, his bathroom is a disco. The lighting and television in the shower mean you can dance yourself clean.
Probably more impressive than this Flintstones-themed bathroom is the fact that it resides inside an entire Flintstones-themed home. The home was built by radio personality Dick Clark who passed away in 2012, leaving his widow to offload this interesting ass-et.